Monday, 12 July 2010

One Mistake To Many...

So there has to be these little things in life called mistakes!... why do we make them!!.
All i know is i seem to repeat myself when it comes to that one word mistake. They question what you are really thinking and make you wonder; are they just things that we cant prevent.
If you are placing a weight into someone Else's hands you obviously have to take responsibility of the situation right?.

whether its letting a friend down or going to the extremes. You have to really think about what your letting yourself in for. (This doesn't happen until the situation is over)

The way i see it is.. to always forgive and forget, but now at the age of 19 I'm starting to realise that this isn't everybodys outlook.

lifes like a rough ride of dissopointments and sometimes excitement. It doesnt always keep you happy.

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